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President remains most popular politician in Lithuania, followed by SocDems’ leader – LIETUVOS RYTAS/VILMORUS POLL

President Gitanas Nauseda remains the most popular politician in Lithuania, followed by MEP Vilija Blinkeviciute, leader of the opposition Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, according to the latest opinion poll carried out by Vilmorus for the Lietuvos Rytas daily and published on Saturday.

Some 64.2 percent of respondents had a favorable opinion of Nauseda in October, while 16.5 percent had an unfavorable one. In September, the figures stood at 61.9 and 17.2 percent respectively.

Blinkeviciute came in second with 50.8 percent of favorable opinions (48 percent in September) and 22.9 percent (23.9 percent in September) of unfavorable ones.

“Blinkeviciute is seen favorably by 50.8 percent [of respondents], for the first time she has crossed the psychologically important threshold of 50 percent, which is her highest rating,” Vladas Gaidys, who leads Vilmorus, told BNS.

Blinkeviciute is followed by National Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas, who was positively evaluated by 43.9 percent (44 percent in September), while 23.3 percent (25.1 percent in September) had a negative opinion of him.

Speaker of the Seimas Viktorija Cmilyte-Nielsen, who leads the Liberal Movement, which is part of the ruling coalition, came in fourth with 35.5 percent of favorable opinions (36.1 percent in September) and 35.7 percent of negative ones (36.6 percent in September).

Ex-Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, who leads the opposition Democrats “For Lithuania”, completed the TOP-5 with 34.7 percent of favorable opinions (32.5 percent in September) and 36 percent of unfavorable opinions (38 percent in September).

Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte closed the top ten, with 24.9 percent of favorable opinions (23.6 percent in September) and 54.9 percent of unfavorable opinions (55.9 percent).

Meanwhile, Gabrielius Landsbergis, the leader of the ruling conservative Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats and the country’s foreign minister, ranked as the most unpopular politician in the country, disfavored by 61 percent of the polled (62.9 percent in September).

Economy and Innovation Minister Ausrine Armonaite, leader of the Freedom Party, and MEP Waldemar Tomaszewski, leader of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance, had negative opinions’ scores of 59.8 percent (60 percent in September) and 56 percent (56.1 percent in September), respectively.

Vilmorus polled 1,001 Lithuanian residents between October 12 and 21. The results of the poll have an error margin of up to 3.1 percent.

Source: BNS

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