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Silina emphasizes potential of Latvia’s people and importance of education

Prime Minister Evika Silina (New Unity) in her New Year’s Eve address, recorded at Riga Technical University, emphasized the potential of the people of Latvia and education as the keyword for that.

The people of Latvia are gifted, talented and tenacious, so they should not be afraid to take bold steps forward and be courageous, said Silina, urging Latvians to trust one another more and love one another more.

Development of the potential of Latvia’s people and education will form the basis for a successful future of the nation, Silina pointed out, adding that she would like to establish clear government oversight of major economic and security projects impacting national development.

Silina said that she was addressing the nation from one of the many places in Latvia in which we can take pride – Riga Technical University, where students, scientists and teaching staff work hand in hand with Latvia’s innovative businesses.

“A curiosity center has also been opened here, designed to promote interest in physics, chemistry and technology among the children of Latvia. It also reminds us, parents, about the importance of nurturing our children’s education and talent every day,” said Silina

“In a prospering state we will be able to best safeguard that which is most important – our Latvian language and culture. For a successful future, let us develop the potential of our people. And the keyword for that is education. Only science and learning will allow us to fully compete at the European Union and global level,” said the prime minister.

“The future of our country starts with our children. In discussions on teachers’ salaries and location of schools, the most important element – our children – is sometimes lost. School is an instrument for children to obtain a good education and skills, which they can apply in shaping their future. Investment in our children is the best kind of investment,” stressed Silina.

Silina also urged people to pay their respects to the heroes of Ukraine, emphasizing that the people of Ukraine are fighting for us too.

“Latvia is free, standing firmly with both feet in the West. We have strong allies. Next year will mark the 20th anniversary of our accession to the European Union and NATO. Not everyone has been able to achieve this. During the week of national festivities, I met with the young men drafted into the national defense service at the Adazi Military Base – all of them courageous, self-confident, carrying Latvia in their heart and their deeds. This gave me a new energy boost and strengthened my faith in the power of our nation even more,” Silina said in her address.

Therefore people should not believe the pessimists and deliberate panic-mongers, said Silina. She said that she was a realist, and that was precisely how she led the government of Latvia. If we are in step with or even ahead of our allies in defense and security issues, then there is a fully justified expectation that we should move forward at an equal pace on other matters.

“It is understandable that we want to compare ourselves with countries with more developed economies, higher salaries and a more inclusive society. I also wish to set higher goals for myself and for Latvia. This entails growth felt by everyone, and a respectful attitude towards all. There are no minor problems,” said the prime minister.

“Past mistakes in state administration have, over the years, fostered the belief that it may be better not to do anything, lest another mistake be made. A perfect process, but no result. I cannot allow this to continue. I would like to establish clear government oversight of major economic and security projects impacting national development. This is necessary for improving Latvia’s competitiveness,” said Silina

The government just marked its first 100 days in office, the prime minister emphasized. During this time, the government has resolved specific issues, which some politicians had used for populist purposes. The government adopted the partnership regulation, because every family in Latvia is valuable. The government also ratified the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women. Persistent efforts by state authorities are still needed to ensure that everyone feels safe and secure within their own home.

The government has also started reducing the administrative burden on businesses. The ideas of Latvia’s creative and enterprising people should not disappear in a labyrinth of administrative obstacles or be buried under stacks of paperwork. “My commitment is clear – where the state has gone too far with requirements and control, we will loosen these reins,” said Silina.

“I also wish you, in the daily bustle of life, let us remember what is most important – kindness, humanity, care for your loved ones. Let us cheer up our colleagues with a kind word or a ‘thank you’. Let us call our old classmates, to ask how they are doing. Let us give a helping hand to those around us, let us appreciate the joy from making someone else happy or giving them our undivided attention. Let us remember to take pride in our own success stories and those of our compatriots,” said Silina.

Source: BNS

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