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Finland, Sweden top list of internet roaming statistics for Telia Estonia customers

When traveling in the European Union, residents of Estonia most actively use their smartphones in Finland and Sweden, while outside the EU, the top spot belongs to the United Kingdom, internet roaming statistics for June published by Telia Estonia shows.

Evelin Neerot, head of the connectivity services department at Telia Estonia, said that in June, Estonians were most active in mobile data service use in the neighboring countries of Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Latvia. This is quite expected, as these countries are the most likely destinations for travel for leisure, work, and visits to family and friends for residents of Estonia.

Estonian residents also actively used roaming services in Germany and Italy, suggesting that significant numbers of our people were present at events like the European Athletics Championships in Rome and the UEFA European Football Championship in Germany.

The top 10 EU countries where customers of Telia Estonia used mobile internet actively in June was as follows: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Latvia, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Lithuania and France.

The top 10 of non-EU countries meanwhile was as follows: UK, Turkey, Switzerland, United States, Ukraine, Russia, Montenegro, Georgia, Canada and Albania.

Source: BNS

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