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Pärnu-Uulu section of Via Baltica opens to traffic

The Pärnu-Uulu four-lane road section, which cost 35 million euros, was opened to traffic on the Tallinn-Pärnu-Ikla road on Wednesday, where, according to a traffic study, more than 15,000 vehicles will drive daily and the share of heavy traffic will be over 20 percent.

Crossings with other roads have been moved to different levels and variable information road signs have been installed, allowing the maximum permitted speed to be adjusted according to road and weather conditions, and other information important for traffic, for example, about possible traffic obstacles and diversions, to be displayed to the driver.

During the works, land improvement systems were reconstructed, the Uulu bridge was demolished and a new one was built, while the traffic light-controlled Rannametsa intersection, the Tõllapulga and Uulu traffic junctions, four bicycle and pedestrian tunnels, three roundabouts, connecting roads and nearly three kilometers of bicycle and pedestrian paths were also built.

“The construction of the Pärnu-Uulu road section is one of the largest construction procurements of the Transport Administration in recent times, and raising the level of traffic safety on state roads is one of our priorities. We are sincerely glad that thanks to the funding of the European Union, we were able to contribute to ensuring safe and comfortable movement on the Pärnu-Uulu section of Via Baltica,” Hannes Vaidla, head of the western department of the Transport Administration’s road maintenance service, said. “We are also satisfied with the work of the infrastructure builder. As a result of their thoughtful planning, road users can navigate the Pärnu-Uulu section more safely almost half a year earlier than originally planned. The original deadline was January next year.”

According to Veiko Veskimäe, chairman of the management board of the main construction contractor Verston, the newly completed Pärnu-Uulu road section clearly proves that a high-quality road network is an important calling card for the country.

“Today, the Tallinn-Pärnu-Ikla road is our main land connection road with Europe, which in Estonia has been in dire need of updating for years. Although the Pärnu-Uulu section is only a piece of a larger puzzle, the sophisticated modern infrastructure built there has a positive effect on traffic safety, the speed of movement of people and goods, security and the economy. Hopefully, the new government will emphasize the importance of good connections in today’s complex geopolitical situation and prioritize the complete construction of a modern road leading to Europe,” Veskimäe added.

The Transport Administration signed a contract for the construction of the four-lane Pärnu-Uulu road section with joint bidders Verston OÜ and Järelpinge Inseneribüroo OÜ in June 2022. The construction of the road section cost 35 million euros and was financed by the European Cohesion Fund. The project was prepared by Skepast & Puhkim OÜ.

Source: BNS

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