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101 flu cases, 6,002 COVID-19 cases registered in Estonia in past week

Altogether 101 people were diagnosed with influenza and 6,002 with the coronavirus in Estonia last week, according to data from the Health Board.

The number of registered flu cases has increased by 62.4 percent and the illness is mainly caused by the influenza A virus. The spread of influenza is extensive, the intensity of morbidity can be still considered low, but an upward trend can be seen.

Nineteen flu patients were hospitalized during the week. More than half of those requiring hospitalization were children under the age of four and people over 60. Children up to two years old are most at risk from the flu, because often they have not been vaccinated or exposed to the virus, so their body lacks resistance to the virus. Also, the disease can have a severe course in people over 60 years of age and with chronic diseases.

During the week, 6,002 cases of the coronavirus were registered, but the increase is slowing. A total of 344 people infected with the coronavirus were hospitalized, including 125 patients with symptomatic coronavirus. The majority of people needing hospital treatment are over 60.

In total, 6,254 people contracted acute upper respiratory infections last week. Twenty-seven percent of them are children under the age of 14.

Source: BNS

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