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300 candidates have applied to join National Guard so far this year

Almost 300 candidates have applied for the National Guard so far this year, said Brigadier General Kaspars Pudans, Commander of the National Guard, in an interview with Latvian Television this morning.

He explained that in less than two months almost 300 candidates from different regions of Latvia have already applied for the National Guard. Most candidates come from Riga.

More than 150 new National Guards have been accepted.

He admitted that a large part of the candidates for the National Guard have applied in the light of what is happening in the world and the war started by Russia in Ukraine.

At the same time, he noted that the National Guard will work actively and purposefully in recruitment.

“What Russia has done in recent years and continues to do to the Ukrainian people is the biggest motivator to join. It is the concern for their own and their family’s safety, maybe it is anger at what we see on our borders,” Pudans said, referring to the population’s desire to join the National Guard.

Source: BNS

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