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61 pct of Estonian population in favor of deployment of nuclear energy

More than half, or 61 percent, of residents of Estonia are positive about the possible introduction of nuclear energy, a poll taken in May shows.

The findings of the survey also reveal that 90 percent of the Estonian population have now formed a clear position on the deployment of nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is considered to be the most suitable alternative to oil shale for weatherproof energy production. In the opinion of the proponents of nuclear energy, it would also provide an opportunity to ensure Estonia’s independence and energy security.

Antti Tooming, deputy secretary general of the Ministry of Climate and head of the Nuclear Energy Working Group, says that many countries are mulling the introduction of nuclear energy in order to achieve energy independence and climate goals.

“Among others, Latvia and Lithuania are also considering the deployment of small reactors,” Tooming said. “In countries where nuclear energy is used alongside renewable energy, the price of electricity is also cheaper.”

Men strongly tend to be supporters of nuclear energy with 79 percent, young people aged 15-24 with 71 percent, as do people with higher incomes.

Nuclear energy is opposed by 29 percent of the population, and there are more women and ethnic Russians among opponents of nuclear. The reason most cited by such respondents is that Estonia does not have sufficient competence to deploy nuclear energy.

The survey also showed that in the last three years, awareness of nuclear energy among the population has increased significantly.

Nuclear sentiment surveys have been commissioned by the ministry twice a year starting in February 2022. All sentiment surveys conducted by various market research companies over the past three years have shown a similar percentage of support.

The survey was carried out by Turu-urungite AS. The next similar study is planned for the second half of the year.

Source: BNS

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