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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Flu incidence in Latvia gradually rising

Last week, the flu incidence in Latvia gradually increased, while Covid-19 incidence stabilized, according to the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC).

The average flu incidence in Latvia increased last week, but has not yet reached epidemic levels. Laboratory confirmation of 16 cases of influenza has been made.

In the week from December 25 to December 31, the number of infected and hospitalized Covid-19 patients has decreased. Last week, 251 new cases of Covid-19 were laboratory-confirmed, compared to 276 the week before. A total of 955 laboratory tests were carried out.

The number of hospitalized Covid-19 patients continues to decrease. Last week, 157 Covid-19 patients were hospitalized, compared to 218 the week before and 322 two weeks before. There were 11 patients in hospital with severe symptoms, compared to 21 the week before.

Source: BNS

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