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Four in 10 Lithuanians would buy products of companies still operating in Russia – survey

Forty-one percent of people in Lithuania say they would buy products of businesses still operating in Russia and 45 percent say they would not, according to a Baltijos Tyrimai survey published by the public broadcaster LRT on Wednesday.

Eleven percent of respondents answered “definitely yes” to the question whether they would buy food or other goods of Lithuanian or foreign companies that still have businesses in Russia, and 30 percent said “rather yes”.

Twenty-nine percent said “rather not” and 16 percent said “definitely not”.

Another 14 percent of those polled either had no opinion or did not answer the question.

The survey found that men (42 percent) were slightly more likely than women (39 percent) to buy products from companies still operating in Russia.

Percentages of those inclined to buy such products were also higher among respondents aged over 50 (47 percent), those with monthly incomes between 1,100 and 2,000 euros (46 percent), residents of major cities and towns (43 percent), those with secondary or vocational education (43 percent), workers and farmers (48 percent), the unemployed and housewives (45 percent), retirees (42 percent), and people of non-Lithuanian ethnic origin (57 percent).

In the representative survey commissioned by LRT, Baltijos Tyrimai polled 1,115 adult residents of Lithuania between March 15 and 25.

Source: BNS

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