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Tallinn’s public transport company opens new control center

Tallinn’s public transport company TLT officially opened its new control center, which, according to the company, marks a qualitative leap for the entire TLT as a public transport service provider.

The company said in a press release that the new control center allows to provide a more convenient and reliable service, because all the information that was previously scattered at different locations across the city by field of activity has now been brought together in the uniformly managed facility at 62a Kadaka Road in southwestern Tallinn.

“The control center manages the movement of all public transport in real time. If traffic jams occur, we will immediately be informed and can find solutions to ensure the schedule is followed as accurately as possible despite obstacles. Hazardous traffic situations will not escape our notice, such as when someone cuts into lane, causing a bus to brake violently. In the event of an accident, we can immediately start searching for backups, dispatch a technical assistance team and a traffic patrol to document the situation and organize traffic at the scene,” said Tarmo Lai, the director of the TLT traffic control center.

TLT Board Member Kaido Padar said that, in the event of a major crisis, when the whole city may be left blacked out and the internet and mobile communication may be down, the TLT control center will continue to work, enabling public transport to operate, because the control center is equipped with a reserve generator that can cover not only the needs of the control center, but also allow the refueling of buses and the operation of the electrical system of the garage, the bus washing lanes and the office building.

Source: BNS

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