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Agencies report record interest in job offers in Estonia in 2023 – 73 % of employees are open to job offers

There was record high interest in job ads in Estonia last year, with more than two in three employees open to job offers, a survey of more than 8,100 employees conducted by the wage information agency Palgainfo Agentuur and the job classifieds portal CVKeskus.ee shows.

The results of the largest job market survey in Estonia show that 73 percent of employees are open to job offers. A tenth of employees are actively looking for a new job, a third are keeping an eye on job offers, and another one-third are waiting for job offers from employers. Only 28 percent of employees are not at all interested in changing jobs.

“The statistics of the CVKeskus.ee job portal also reflect a lot of interest in job offers — visits to the platform hit a record last year and almost 1.8 million applications were sent to employers,” Grete Adler, head of the recruitment agency at CVKeskus, said.

Workers in the property management, cleaning and transport sectors are the most open to job offers, with more than 80 percent of workers in these sectors interested in a new job. There are also much higher than average proportions of jobseekers in the marketing sector with 79 percent, manufacturing with 79 percent, information processing with 77 percent and the retail sector also with 77 percent.

The ratio of those actively looking for a job themselves is highest in cleaning and transport. Employees in the education sector meanwhile are the least likely to be interested in a new job, with 43 percent showing no interest in changing jobs.

“As expected, workers who cannot make do with their wages well are significantly more active on the labor market,” said Kadri Seeder, head of Palgainfo Agentuur. “The majority of workers, 87 percent, who rated their livelihood as poor were ready to change jobs. However, pay is not the only determining factor — almost half of the respondents, or 45 percent, who rated their livelihood as very good were nevertheless interested in a new job.”

Dissatisfaction with, for example, career development, the possibility to work remotely, or the organization of substitution of co-workers also increases the interest in changing jobs.

“As much as 91 percent of employees who are not satisfied with their job progress in recent years and 88 percent of employees who are not satisfied with teleworking opportunities are interested in a new job,” Adler noted.

The participants in the survey were also asked about their confidence in the job market to find out how confident they feel in their current job and in finding a new job. In the explanation, it was said that self-confidence means confidence in keeping the current job, finding a new job, and asserting one’s wishes when negotiating working conditions and pay.

The survey revealed that two-thirds of employees, or 66 percent, feel secure in their current job, while 14 percent feel insecure.

In a breakdown by professional field, employees active in the legal, healthcare, ICT, management, construction and electricity sectors are more confident in finding a new job. There is more uncertainty when changing jobs in the fields of beauty service, art and culture.

Palgainfo Agentuur and CVKeskus.ee conduct twice-yearly surveys of employers and employees to find out about changes in wages and chart labor market behavior, employee satisfaction and motivation. The survey of employees and jobseekers involved 8,140 people.

Source: BNS

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