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Estonia: Foundation to look for solutions to intimate partner violence with experts

The President Kaljulaid Foundation, a foundation led by former Estonian president Kersti Kaljulaid that is looking for ways to reduce intimate partner violence in Estonia, has convened expert groups to map out possible solutions.

“Experts on domestic violence know that there are more problems to solve than problem solvers and time. But, at the same time, all the experts also have a lot of ideas,” Kersti Kaljulaid said after a meeting with the second group of experts on Monday.

“What is the thing that should be resolved specifically in Estonia in the coming few years so that there would be less intimate partner violence and more normal human relations in Estonia? There are many people in Estonia who have been trying to unravel this tangle for years, sometimes decades. We are now trying to gather their experiences together,” Kaljulaid said.

Hannaliisa Uusma, head of the domain of intimate partner violence at the foundation, said that the interest of people from different fields to become involved in the project was very high.

“From the media, ministries, sports, police, medicine, large and small businesses, education and countless non-profit organizations and the voluntary sector, all of whom have made it their mission to make intimate partner violence less common in Estonia and help easier to get,” said Uusma.

The President Kaljulaid Foundation is a nonprofit organization created with the aim of promoting democracy, digital culture, human rights and freedoms in Estonia and around the world.

Source: BNS

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