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EU court to rule whether Unigames encouraged gambling – Lithuanian court

The Court of Justice of the European Union will be asked to clarify whether Lithuania’s Gaming Control Authority has lawfully found that Unigames, a gambling company owned by Unigames, a Latvian-Lithuanian company, has encouraged gambling.

On Wednesday, the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania, which is hearing a dispute between the company and the gambling authority, decided to turn to the CJEU and asked it to clarify whether liability could be imposed under amendments to the Law on Gaming the European Commission had not been notified about.

“The SACL seeks to clarify whether the amendment prohibiting the promotion of gambling, which the European Commission has not been notified about, can be invoked to impose liability on a gambling company,” the Lithuanian court said.

Unigames is challenging the GCA’s decision of August 2022 when information published on its website was found to promote gambling.

Amendments prohibiting any form of gambling promotion in Lithuania entered into force in July 2021. They define gambling promotion as special events, trial games, promotions, discounts, giveaways, etc. organized by gambling companies.

Source: BNS

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