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Half of new coalition’s 16 positions to go to New Unity, five to Greens/Farmers, three to Progressives

Of the 16 positions in the government and Saeima that will be distributed among the new coalition partners, eight will go to New Unity, five to the Union of Greens and Farmers, and three to the Progressives, as Prime Minister-designate Evika Silina (New Unity) said after a meeting with President Edgars Rinkevics today.

Besides the post of the prime minister, New Unity will also get the portfolios of the finance, health, education and science, foreign affairs, interior, justice, and environmental protection and regional development ministers.

Therefore current Finance Minister Arvils Aseradens (New Unity), Justice Minister Inese Libina-Egnere (New Unity) and Education and Science Minister Anda Caksa (New Unity) will continue in their jobs. The foreign minister’s portfolio will go to the outgoing Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins (New Unity). Saeima member Rihards Kozlovskis (New Unity) will be appointed interior minister, Saeima member Inga Berzina will become environmental protection and regional development minister, and MP Hosams Ai Meri – health minister.

The Union of Greens and Farmers will receive the post of Saeima Speaker and the portfolios of the economy, agriculture, welfare, and climate and energy ministers.

The Greens/Farmers will nominate MP Gunars Kutris (Greens/Farmers), former Constitutional Court chairman, for Saeima speaker, head of the Greens/Farmers’ Saeima group Viktors Valainis (Greens/Farmers) for economics minister, MP Armands Krauze for agriculture minister, MP Uldis Augulis for welfare minister, and Kaspars Melnis for climate and energy minister.

In the meantime, the Progressives will be offered the portfolios of the defense, culture, and transport ministers.

The Progressives will nominate Riga City Council member Agnese Logina (Progressives) for culture minister, Saeima European Affairs Committee member Andris Spruds (Progressives) for defense minister, and head of the Progressives’ Saeima group Kaspars Briskens for transport minister.

The new coalition will be supported by 52 Saeima members. In addition, nonpartisan MP Olegs Burovs, chairman of Honor to Serve Riga party, has also agreed to support the new government.

Saeima will vote on the new government on Friday, September 15.

Source: BNS.

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