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Lithuanian formin, Khodorkovsky discuss state of Russian opposition, challenges

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis on Wednesday met with Mikhail Khodorkovsky, one of Russia’s opposition figures and founder of the Open Russia Foundation, in Vilnius and discussed the goals and challenges of Russia’s democratic opposition and civil society, the Foreign Ministry said.

“The threat posed by Russia ruled by the Kremlin regime remains and no one in Europe and the world can feel safe in the face of it,” Lithuania’s top diplomat was quoted as saying in a statement released after the meeting.

“That is why it is important to continue to fully assist Ukraine, but at the same time we want to see an active opposition to Vladimir Putin not only abroad, but also in Russia itself, not only willing but also seeking seek changes in the Russian political system,” the minister said. “Only this way we can have a real alternative to the Putin regime.”

At the meeting, Khodorkovsky thanked Lithuania for creating conditions for civil society representatives and journalists persecuted by the Russian regime to find refuge in Lithuania.

The Russian opposition figure also accepted an invitation to attend the 10th annual Vilnius Russia Forum in the spring of 2024.

Source: BNS

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